How much does Staff Management | SMX pay?
That depends on the job and/or shift, so it is typically not posted within our job descriptions. If it is not listed, you can reach out to the local site or send us a message using the link on the left.
How do I get a copy of my W2 or T4?
For W2s and T4s inquiries email Send a W2 or T4 inquiry to [email protected]
How do I view my pay stub?
If you have direct deposit or a GCC card set up, you can view your pay stub on the GCC website. If you receive paper checks and have lost the stub, you will need to request a copy from the local office or send us a message with the request.
How can I schedule an interview?
Once you have completed the application and other required documents, you will be asked to schedule an interview through the system or to contact the local office.
How do I apply for a job?
Search for the area or category you are interested in. Once you find the job you want, just click ‘Apply’.
My Account
When I try to create an account, I get an error message that saying my email is already in use. What should I do?
You can try to log in if you think you remember your password or you can click on ‘Forgot Password’ to reset your password.
Searching Jobs
What if I can’t find a job where I want to work?
Sign up for the Talent Community. You can set up several preferences and then get alerted when a job that matches those preferences becomes available.
Can I use multiple filters at the same time?
Yes, you can filter by multiple criteria.